The Instructional day begins at 8:15. Students who arrive between 8:15 & 8:20 will still be admitted into class but will receive a tardy and will have 3 days to bring a note to excuse the tardy. Students who are not in class by 8:20 must report to the Main Office to check-in. Students are required to present a written note or professional verification within three (3) days. After three (3) days, check-ins will be declared unexcused. Unexcused check-ins will result in a tardy to school and/or unexcused absences for missed classes.
Students who need to check-out for other reasons may do so only after a parent/guardian has been contacted. Students should report to the Attendance Clerk in Main Office to Check Out. Parents who come to school to check out a student should report to the Main Office. Students who know ahead of time that a check-out is necessary (i.e., dentist's appointment, doctor’s appointment) should have the parent call or email the Attendance Clerk at earlier in the day. Students MUST sign-out in the Main Office. Failure to sign out will result in disciplinary action. Individuals responsible for picking up a student after a check-out at school must be prepared to show “picture identification.”